Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Night of Long Analogies

The polls are starting to close.

So start the pundits and talking heads with their chit chat, jibber jabber, and spin. Oh, and the analogies...oh, the horror.

It has been a long day already. The vaunted e-voting machines broke down, shorted out, and destroyed a small toewn in New Jersey. And the news readers have been having fun. People denied the vote? Smile. Voters around the block, but the polls are closing? Smile and tell a joke. Dirty tricks against Democratic candidates? Make a deny and joke of it and Norah O'Donnell will have a nice long laugh and not question you. Thank you ladies and gentlemen.

But this distry tricks business bugs me. All morning it was denied. Tucker Carlson and Joe Scarlborough came out to say it was all a myth. An evil Democratic myth that is dredged up every 2 years. Is their actual evidence? Is there a reason it is brought up at all these elections? Why ask?

It is like the story old story of the "Young Sheperd and the Wolf".

Once their was a village, which hired a sheperd to watch the communities sheep and lamb.

The young man was hired. And on the first night he saw movement along the tree line. A wolf! He called out for help. "WOLF! WOLF!" And the wolf charged out and towards him.

The village hired a new sheperd to watch the flock. On the first night he to saw the wolf approaching.He called out for help. "WOLF! WOLF!" And the wolf charged out and towards him.

The village hired another sheperd. Then another. Then another.

Finally the village had enough and had a town meeting. The argued and fought over the trouble. "These boys. They cry wolf and then run off. Why are they so lazy and truent?" "Yes, why do they make promise and then lie and disappear?" They were all at a lost.

The moral. Just because a problem is pointed out, and pointed out again later, and so on and so forth, doesn't equate to it being a fake problem. Or, sometimes people cry wolf because one is eating your flock.

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