Saturday, December 16, 2006

ID - Intelligent Design


It surprises me the numbers of people, including those with science degrees, who are all too willing to acquiense to ID supporters. Let us discuss and tech the Controversy (Trademark pending). Let us be open to the possiblity they say.

And that is the trap of it. It is not about openmindedness (Though it is a lovely tool to bludgeon the kindhearted who open the door for you...), it is about validation, about surplanting evidence, research, and REALITY, with a comforting opinion.


Okay? There is no controversy. Unless you want to discuss, seriously, the Holocaust, the Moon landings, and our alien masters. That is what ID is. Another member of that estemed club. Just like all the people sending in their "proofs" that disprove in totality Einstein's work (I need to point to totality as, with all science, portions of his work have been superceded or disproven - some in his lifetime. But the core of his work stands.).

So here, from Pharyngula, so discussions and words on ID nonscence.

Neil deGrasse Tyson on ID
The great astronomer with some great thoughts, like:
Science is a philosophy of discovery. Intelligent design is a philosophy of ignorance. You cannot build a program of discovery on the assumption that nobody is smart enough to figure out the answer to a problem. Once upon a time, people identified the god Neptune as the source of storms at sea. Today we call these storms hurricanes. We know when and where they start. We know what drives them. We know what mitigates their destructive power. And anyone who has studied global warming can tell you what makes them worse. The only people who still call hurricanes "acts of God" are the people who write insurance forms.

Another day, another ignorant pundit

All the creationist fallacies in one easy-to-read pamphlet

A scientific contribution from Intelligent Design

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