Saturday, December 16, 2006

Intelligent Design research

is right...hang on a minute it's in one of these piles. REALLY! I had it a minute ago.

From, RichardDawkins.Net, The God Lab

And after all this piffle, amounting to nothing we get this:
Ronald Numbers, a historian at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, who has studied creationism, views it in a different light. The lab's existence will help sustain support within the anti-evolution community, he says. "It will be good for the troops if leaders in the ID movement can claim: 'We're not just talking theory. We have labs, we have real scientists working on this.'"

Oh, great! They can SAY they have this or that. That is what this guy wants to hang his hat on? Really? It is all about morale and rallying the troops? Really?

Well, I;m not surprised. That is all they have in ID, a lot of people in denial on the evidence and want that sense of denial to be granted status as science. ..we...DON'T...humor them. If they want to sit around and talk piffle, be philosophers, be poets, or just be theologians.

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