Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Meet the Idiots

With some help from AMERICAblog:

Meet Roy Moore, he's a former State Chief Supreme Court Justice, he wants the 10 Commandments in every courthouse. And he thinks that Muslims, all Muslims, can never be faithful to America or the Constitution. To him belief in the Quran is incompatible with belief in the Constitution. Now the Christian bible... A Muslim theocracy is bad, a Christian one is a mandate from God. Again, meet Roy Moore. He is an idiot.

Meet James Dobson. He's a major religious leader (until his scandal hits, and then everyone will deny knowing him), and a big media star, with short ethics/morals bits on many local news shows. He IS the epitome of the Religious Right. He dislikes single parent families. He dislikes single sex families. He dislikes a lot. But he "hides" it for the masses, with platitudes. Next up on his list, divorce. He not really care for women. So, yes, he is an idiot.

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