Saturday, February 10, 2007

Democrat, not as democratty as it used to be.

I'm glad I was not the only one to see this and be struck off kilter by it. But Crooks and Liars caught it. And they have video as well.

On MSNBC today they had talk about the nastiness that is BLOGGINNNGGG!!! They brought in a Republican Strategist and Democrat Strategist. Oh boy, I bet they are going to fight!

Well the Dem, Dan Gerstein, starts out fast defending bloggers, especially the ones John Edwards hired...wait that isn't what happen...

Oh yeah! He attacked them. Wait, actually first he claimed he had his own 'lil blog that was just starting, so he could claim some knowledge, but also say he wasn't one of THEM. Then he decried these 2 women and almost all bloggers. Filthy things! They are opinionated, not always diplomatic, openly stating what they think, they even, sometimes, say things that others might find offensive, or even...naughty. Worse the fact it was a previous statement, before the campaign started is irrelevant to him. You can never say anything that someone somewhere can find fault with. Otherwise YOU ARE BANNED FROM POLITICS! Dan Gerstein has decreed it. Damn, with the comments in the Blasphemy Challenge, I guess I can kiss running from President good bye, or that cozy boot licking job during the '12 campaign. Darn me!

And, my oh my, did these ladies give him a fit.

...our D on this mini panel, folks.

So why? Is it just the uncouthness of these ladies? That they didn't just say the Catholic church was iffy, as opposed to what they actually felt. As he would no doubt explain, you have to just lie and smile through it, that's how he got to the ranks of Democratic strategist for the mid afternoon cable news story. Takes dedication, man!

No, the concern has to be that he, and others, especially the other candidates and wanna be's are silent. They leave Edwards to hand, and hope his hopes die.

Bad plan. As Atrios points out a moment from a recent film, where after aid comes to Queen Elizabeth, she points out he helped her simply because he saw the headlines, saw what was happening to her, and realized it could happen to him, too. It's that simple. The Republican Party. Bill Donohue. Right wing bloggers. Once they are done savaging, before even, they are going to belittle, contort stories, lie, and spit on all the rest. If they don't have the sense to stand now, together, against this crap. Then they get the pleasure of seeing the person in front of them fall, then watch the thugs pounce on them.

Daily Kos has more.
This fight, if Edwards is going to be called upon to make it, must be everyone's fight. If the other campaigns cannot demonstrate that they would have displayed the same courage we call upon Edwards to display, then they benefit from the right's strategy of divide and conquer. And to the extent that they benefit, they give a pass to and encourage such attacks in the future, and are powerless to stop them when the next one comes. All they can do is hold on tight, cross their fingers, and pray they're not the next target. And that's no way to win anything. Certainly not the White House.

Any chance this reality will sink in before it is too late. It is time to work to dismantle this crap factory.

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