Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Democrats destroying Alliance

Rep. Duncan Hunter, candidate for president, on the Republican side, is going around today pointing out the Australian PM's belittling of Obama and those opposed to staying in Iraq for the forseable future.

He claims, this is proof that he and the others are destroying our alliances.

But...Autralia is happy to hang in, not with troops, but with lip service. That helps.

And why is everyone else backing out on us? The words of Democrats? How about the situation? The deaths, the end that is out of sight. the violence that never stops...how about that?

How about the logic that this war is making things better? It doesn't seem to be holding up.

ANd like the AMerican people, our allies are coming to see it is an empty promise when Bush asks for "just 6 more months". We are too many years into the next 6 moinths.

Rep. Hunter. You want to see what frayed your alliances? Look to your war, your leadership, and your bullying tactics with your friends.

Time to open your eyes to reality, and shut your mouth full of rhetoric.

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