Friday, February 09, 2007

The Quotable Atheist

On AlterNet, they have excerpts from a new book, The Quotable Atheist (Full name: The Quotable Atheist: Ammunition for Nonbelievers, Political Junkies, Gadflies, and Those Generally Hell-Bound), by Jack Huberman.

It contains quotes from atheists, theists, and crazies, like Jerry Falwell. Well, when you need a good quote you want articulate refinement from Richard Dawkins, eloquent thoughtfulness from Fredrick Douglass, and even Phyllis Diller.

Here are some prime ones.

"I prayed for freedom for twenty years, but received no answer until I prayed with my legs."

- Frederick Douglass

"I have recently been examining all the known superstitions of the world, and do not find in our particular superstition (Christianity) one redeeming feature. They are all alike, founded upon fables and mythologies."

- Thomas Jefferson

"Christians, like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions."

- Jerry Falwell

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