Monday, February 12, 2007

The troubling irony of Creationist scientist

As pointed to on Pharyngula, a young earth creationist has just finished his PhD in Geoscience.

Young Earth = Earth < 10,000 years old

Geology = Earth > 1,000,000 years old much much much older

How does this computer?

"I was working within a particular paradigm of earth history. I accepted that philosophy of science for the purpose of working with the people" at Rhode Island.

And though his dissertation repeatedly described events as occurring tens of millions of years ago, Dr. Ross added, "I did not imply or deny any endorsement of the dates."

So he worked and researced. He accepted the results, for writing up. But he thought the results were false and wrong. He thought is dissertation was a lie.

AND he is now a professor! Even as he openly claims his work is false and a lie.

Still, where would he go now?

Liberty Universoty, of course.
Today he teaches earth science at Liberty University, the conservative Christian institution founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell where, Dr. Ross said, he uses a conventional scientific text.

If his training was a lie, I guess he doesn't have any scruples about lying a little more: I've seen the job ads from Liberty University, and a "young earth philosophy" is a prerequisite for teaching there. He teaches something called CRST 290, which is in a "religious studies" category, taught as part of their required instruction in "creation studies".

CRST 290: History of Life

An interdisciplinary study of the origin and history of life in the universe. Faculty of the Center for Creation Studies will draw from science, religion, history, and philosophy in presenting the evidence and arguments for creation and evolution.

I think the University of Rhode Island might want to review their doctoral programs a bit. It looks like someone can slip through with only the most superficial knowledge of their field, and can admit to faking it throughout their entire training. This kind of slack in the standards diminishes the luster of degrees from RI.

It also says something even worse of Liberty University. They'll hire any old hack to teach their courses.

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