It is just plain odd. At Talking Points Memo. They have a story about how now the Christian Coalition of America is getting in the middle of this spitball fight over Pelosi and secure flights home.
Christian Coalition of America condemns the new Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, Democrat from San Francisco, for trying to get luxurious travel paid for by the American taxpayers.
Why? Why are they getting in here? WHy are they concerned or interested in involving themselves?
Sure the rest have, agendas, axes to grind, and ignorance. But aren't they busy condemning society and attacking "alternative" culture?
Is almost wonder...
so she can transport her political cronies, favorite Members of Congress, congressional staffers, friends and relatives back and forth to her district in San Francisco every week.
cronies...friends...San Francisco!
You don't think...that they actually think...that...they...No! They aren't that dumb and paranoid...Actually...
With these people the nuttiest things go on in the vast vacuum between the ears.
Echo. Echo. Echo. Echo.
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