Saturday, March 03, 2007

Europe is making the switch.

Europe is following Australia's example and moving to be more energy efficient.

How? Light bulbs.

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - The world's three largest light bulb makers said Thursday they will push European consumers to switch to energy-saving bulbs in a bid to cut carbon dioxide emissions that are believed to contribute to global warming.

They said their strategy would include "public incentives to encourage consumers to purchase more efficient products and setting performance standards that will eliminate the least efficient products from the market."

They estimated that if all inefficient traditional incandescent bulbs sold in Europe were to be replaced with more efficient bulbs — such as compact fluorescent lamps or CFLs — the continent would need 27 fewer power plants.


CFLs are three times as efficient as traditional bulbs and last much longer. But despite them saving money in the long run and being more environmentally friendly, consumers have been reluctant to buy them, mostly because they cost more per bulb.

27 plants. Small steps. But crucial ones. Making massive and radical changes in the world economy would be difficult. But taking and applying new and efficient technology is an important step. As is continued research into other energy efficient devices and alternative energy sources.

And like dealing with those scary asteroid, procrastinating on these troubles is bad, better to get a jump on these things. Take as many small steps as is needed, and then some bigger ones where possible.

On Australia:
last month, Australia's government announced plans to ban incandescent bulbs within three years...

A bit more aggressive.

The US:
...while a California and New Jersey lawmakers introduced bills seeking to do the same in those states. Last year, Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world's largest retailer, began actively promoting the bulbs.

Small steps. But the ideas look to be slowly crawling onto our shores...where Homeland Security opens fire on them.

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