Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Aftermath with Ware

Since Drudge helped start the attack on Michael Ware, for not buying the presidents and McCain's claims on Iraq, not much has happened.

People just don't buy it. Well, the FOX News viewer most likely have a large percentage who believed it before and were reinforced in their opinions.

The claim? Ware, when McCain gave a press conference in Baghdad, heckled him and through out rude questions.

The reality, from the video. He was quiet and listened, and when he tried to ask a question, they closed the whole thing down and left (fled from hard questions).

CNN, as the one afflicted challenged Drudges claims. And the story didn't stick.

So, how did Drudge make up for his smear?

He erased the page...It now never happen. That is Drudge. He is online, so their are no video tapes, no old newspaper, so he just wipes away his mistakes, like the White House website does.

But it does not remove is guilt and fault here. Nor in the innumerable other times he has taken bad inside information. He puts out bad stories quite often. But he doesn't pay. He still gets quoted. He still gets a high amount of respect, and taken too often at his word.

So when someone quotes Drudge, or Drudge Report, I have doubts, and, at least, ask if they have another source (One which didn't get their data from him.).

So how about the others that trusted Drudge. Or should I say the others that bit into what they thoughts was the kind f juicy story that they wanted to be true.


DISINTERESTED JOURNALISM: John McCain heckled by CNN reporter.

UPDATE: Hard to argue: "Michael Ware's behavior here is flat out unprofessional. If CNN keeps him on staff after this incident, that says something, doesn't it?"

ANOTHER UPDATE: John Tabin: "Heckling at a press conference is very rude, and wouldn't be acceptable even from an opinion journalist (I wouldn't dream of laughing in Nancy Pelosi's face during a press conference). That said, isn't it better when guys like Ware let their biases hang out, rather than embedding them in reports that are ostensibly objective?"
Pretty harsh. And it seems they have an opinion being confirmed. Pretty embarrassing for them. As it is clear they never even checked on this story. LAZY.

MORE: Ware denies the heckling, and he's got video. Looks like Drudge got burned, as, to a lesser degree, did those of us who relied on him.
Well he admits that the story turned...But he also puts fault on the story, on the source who lied to Drudge. Drudge got burned? No. Drudge lied. Or, Drudge just took an unconfirmed story and passed it on. YOU, took an unverified story and passed it on. YOU ARE AT FAULT.

You and Drudge want to play at PROFESSIONAL JOURNALIST, but don't want to do the actual work.

SHAME ON YOU, Matt Drudge and Glenn Reynolds.

How about the American Spectator Blog?
Heckling at a press conference is very rude, and wouldn't be acceptable even from an opinion journalist (I wouldn't dream of laughing in Nancy Pelosi's face during a press conference). That said, isn't it better when guys like Ware let their biases hang out, rather than embedding them in reports that are ostensibly objective? I think the custom that prevails at British newspapers, where reporters are unafraid to reveal their opinions, is generally healthier than the inherrently dishonest objective-reporting model. In that sense, I hope Ware starts a trend.

UPDATE: Drudge's report is apparently erroneous.
Erroneous? Isn't that an UNDERSTATEMENT! How about your eagerness to jump on it. You titled your piece Let Your True Colors Shine Through. You accused him. But now it is wrong, moving on. And who is his, John Tabin, next source, in the next post?

Matt Drudge, of course.

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