Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Reality 1 / Jedi Mind Tricks 0

On Two Percent Company they have the video of a Kiai Master.

It seems he believes that he has a special power, to strike people down, without touching them.

For those of you who were unaware of this whole Kiai martial arts thing, it is, in short, no-contact martial arts in which the fighting is, er...done with the mind. Fighting with your mind, apparently, involves a lot of waving your hands around (um...why is that exactly? If you're really good at it, couldn't you just lounge about and think your opponents down?). So there's no actual physical contact. At all. And people fall down, and jump back, and wince and flinch and thrash about, just as if they had actually been hit. It's all very entertaining in a silly, delusional sort of way. In all honesty, we used to do the same exact thing with groups of friends...during recess in grade school. It was rather fun, really, and we were cooperative and honest combatants who were all very good about falling down when we'd been "nailed." But, of course, we didn't pretend that it was anything more than pretend.
So he made a challenge - 5000 dollars to a Multiple Martial Arts fighter who can best him and his powers.

The video shows the results. One swipe in the air, which earlier video showed knocking students down, does nothing. Then the MMA fighter starts to work. Not pretty.

I agree with Two Percent, at least he put up and accepted the challenge.

Now, what happens afterwards?

If you look at dowsers and psychics, they quickly rationalize and justify failure. It was the equipment, the room, the people around, the day, the time, and ON and ON.

So, I am sure he still believes in his power...but we got video that makes get evidence to the contrary.

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