Thursday, May 24, 2007

I am shocked. Shocked!

Just shocking.


As AMERICAblog points out.

Congratulations Dems, you caved and Bush just bashed you on TV for it.

Well that little surrender of yours on the Iraq supplemental was quite effective. Bush just went on TV, praised how all of your bad un-American ideas were struck from the bill, and then he told the country that you still have too much pork in the bill.

So, basically, he just made fools of you. He attacked, you caved in order to stop the attack, and he attacked again. No one could have predicted that.


Good job there. Did not see that coming...really.

And Atrios also has an excellent point.
It really is the case that elite opinion has solidified around the idea that come September all the responsible Republicans (who are they? I have no idea) are going to decide that enough's enough and it's time to start putting an end to the boy king's little crusade.

It really is the case that, once again, elite opinion is completely fucking wrong.

Yes. Why do we even think Republicans are on the cusp of a switch? What will have changed? If their was no NEW PLAN in the works already, maybe...maybe, I could see a chance.

But, as per their existing process, their will always be a NEW PLAN. So their will always be an excuse to not break can we quit a plan without seeing if it will work?

How can the big thinkers not see this? Sure, come September their will be some rumblings. But the RNC will send out people and yell and twist arms, and most everyone will AGAIN get back in line.

How is this not obvious?

So what will change in September?

They know the Democrats will either cave, or be bought off.

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