Sunday, June 03, 2007

Apparently being a Secular Progressive is an illness, and contagious/

If you have kept up on Bill O'Reilly's rants, you know with his more recent books started a tirade about Secular Progressives, or SP. They are the route of all problems. They are neither religious or conservative enough. Much like listening to Ann Coulter list how every problem of the 20th century came about because of Democrats, listening to O'Reilly rant on this is surreal.
Crooks and Liars, video available:
Talking about trying to fit an agenda into a story, Bill O'Reilly really takes the cake on this one. He blames Mr. Speaker's coming back to the States with TB and possibly spreading a disease on the populace because he must be a member of the "SP" club. In O'Reilly's world Andrew Speaker's action boils down to this:

O'Reilly: Traditional values people put others on a par with themselves. That's the Judeo-Christian tenet. Love your neighbor as yourself. Secular Progressives put themselves above all others. That philosophy says "Me first, then I'll worry about you."


I guess all those Iraq war supporters are SP's too. They really couldn't give a damn about the innocent Iraqi people that have had their lives destroyed by this occupation. And how did Bush handle the victims of Katrina? ...
Bill O'Reilly just doesn't get it.

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