Friday, June 01, 2007

The War on Giulianni, by Republicans, begins

From Tom Edsall at the Huff Post:
The early success of Rudy Giuliani's presidential bid has provoked a groundswell of opposition from disparate forces including conservative Catholics, remnants of Pat Buchanan's presidential campaigns and regional political operatives seeking to break into the Republican firmament....

The new organizations are relying on two fundraising models, both of which were highly successful in previous attacks. One is the drive in 2005 to force White House counsel Harriet Miers to withdraw her nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. That campaign, spearheaded by conservatives opposed to Miers, raised an estimated $2 million. The other is the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign in 2004, which began with a modest budget but ended up raising millions in an effort to destroy John Kerry's reputation as a war hero....

Paul Nagy, the group's top-gun in New Hampshire, believes nominating Giuliani would be disastrous for the American conservative movement. Along with other activists, Nagy signed a letter seeking additional signatories to the anti-Rudy declaration. The letter states: "Rudy Giuliani is an unacceptable Republican nominee for President of the United States. He is pro-abortion, pro-partial birth abortion, pro-registration of handguns, and pro-homosexual rights. He is the most liberal Republican candidate for President in our nation's history."
It's sad that the fringe extremists running the Republican party have made "conservative" a virtue and "liberal" a vice. Why shouldn't a far-right Republican be viewed just as out of touch, out of the mainstream of GOP thought, as a far-left Republican? (And in fact, while a conservative Republican inhabits the fringe of American thought, the liberal Republican is near dead-center in the middle.) The far-right of the GOP fights back, they dominate the message, and that's why conservative Republicans are "good" while liberal Republicans are "bad." By contrast, the far-left of the GOP is typically made up of a bunch of wimps (e.g., Christine Todd Whitman, Olympia Snowe, and other paragons of mediocrity).
It is kind of sad to see.

But...what do you expect in the Republican party of today?

They were eventually going to start eating their own.

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