Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Chris Matthews is silly

It has been said plenty. But I do like him at times. He can be hard on both sides. He can be quick witted. But then he just turns and goes soft inexplicably.

And then you have these times when he goes plain goofy. When the ridiculous claims and stories about Gore came out, he did shows about how bad Gore looked, how bad the stories were. Did the fact the stories were twisted or false come up? No. He was just having too much fun, and laughing it up. It is hard to figure.

Then you have today, and his love affair with McCain. They were pointing out how unpopular he is in the media, i.e. he isn't be deified. And Matthews was perplexed, and needed to quickly point out his love and eagerness to bask in his manly glow. Then he complained about how unmanly Giuliani and Romney were. They didn't go to Iraq and where flak jackets. They didn't tour Baghdad making asses of themselves. He seemed so bummed and frustrated.

He is an odd duck. And I have never been able to figure why he goes from Hot to Cold so often and inexplicably. I think I have it figured, it's his series of man crushes.

Can Fred Thompson come into town and sweeps Chris up in an woo him?

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