Friday, December 14, 2007

Birth Control of the 70's. Whoda' thunk?

I watch too much TV. I love to watch History Channel, Discovery Channel, etc. (I could get into the things I have issues with their programming...) And I catch all sorts of shows, one went into the history of contraceptives, such as birth control.

It is interesting to note that after The Pill came out, beyond the outrage and controversy, there was a vision that in the years to soon follow it would be easier and easier to get. Over the counter, or on the shelf by the aspirin. But decade after decade passed and very little changed. But apparently in England they are getting ready to move the science of birth control ahead, all the way into the 70's.
One of the UK prime minister's leading surgeons announced that a new pilot program may be put into effect which allows women to obtain the pill from pharmacists and nurses without having to go to a doctor for a prescription.

However, it wouldn't be without an assessment process that the women would have to undergo at the pharmacy, which would be similar to getting a prescription but a helluva more convenient. ...

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