Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Dinesh in Denial

Well...I think the last of my testing is done...sigh. Maybe now I will read some good books, or catch up on research paper reading, or maybe get some creative writing accomplished...but I will probably sleep, watch movies, and play games...

Still there is the healthy fun to be had with the likes of the goofy social conservatives out to win points, through MS Word.

Look at Dinesh D'Souza, conservative pundit and tool. He veers between attacking anyone that doesn't think exactly like him and the same.

Classic Dinesh:

"The cultural left in this country is responsible for causing 9/11 ... the cultural left and its allies in Congress, the media, Hollywood, the non-profit sector and the universities are the primary cause of the volcano of anger toward America that is erupting from the Islamic world."
...uh, yeah, I guess. Us freaky liberals think women should be able to do what they want with their bodies, from reproductive rights to wearing whatever they want - and not be prostitutes for it. Liberals are odd that way. We also think women shouldn't be stoned for being raped. Or be looked down on for having and expressing opinions. WEIRD! And we also have senses of humor - Mohammad the Bear - HILARIOUS!!!

So yeah it is our fault...in your sick little mind.

But politics sophistry is not his only specialty. He is a defender of the True Cross as well, battling for Christ.

Happy Jihad's House of Pancakes looked at some of his latest claims of victory for God, and deflates it good.


It’s an article, it's at townhall.com, and it's called “Why Atheists Are So Angry.” Like everything else that has issued from Dinesh's pen recently, it is as useful as the mourning howling of an exceptionally inbred village idiot. (Write at your readership's level, I guess.) Recently, he debated the philosopher Daniel Dennett over the question "Is God a Creation of Man or is Man a Creation of God"? If you can bear a little atheist grandstanding at the beginning, I hope to systematically demonstrate how this conservative hack is an inveterate liar who is willing to say anything to promote his odious version of religion on the American public.


Suffice to say he cherry picks quotes to claim victory, and when he can't he cuts and paste so the insults and denounciations are accolades. The man is the potboiler of mouthpieces.

Here's a quick example.
"Let's face it, this guy has taken our best shots and still come out looking good. Maddening."

there’s something missing, Dinesh.

Lets face it, this guy has taken our best shots and still come out looking good. Not because what he says makes any sense, but simply by virtue of his patter. Maddening.
See what was missing from the quote he used? The man can't win an honest fight.

That is why it is suspect to even try to debate him and his ilk. After the fact they will lie, deny, and change the subject. It only gives the publicity.

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