Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Huckabee on the NIE

From the Politico.com:

This is from a dinner tonight.
Kuhn: I don’t know to what extent you have been briefed or been able to
take a look at the NIE report that came out yesterday ...

Huckabee: I’m sorry?

Kuhn: The NIE report, the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran. Have you
been briefed or been able to take a look at it —

Huckabee: No.

Kuhn: Have you heard of the finding?

Huckabee: No.

Not too comforting. By the end of this day you think he would have had someone...I don't know...mention it to him...let him know that intel on Iran was shifting and that what he had to say may be affected. Course it hasn't changed most of the rhetoric on the right so...

Of course then with little knowlege on the topic, except what Khun shares we get this.

Huckabee: I’ve a serious concern if they were to be able to weaponize
nuclear material, and I think we all should, mainly because the statements of
Ahmadinejad are certainly not conducive to a peaceful purpose for his having it
and the fear that he would in fact weaponize it and use it. (He pauses and
thinks) I don’t know where the intelligence is coming from that says they have
suspended the program or how credible that is versus the view that they actually
are expanding it. … And I’ve heard, the last two weeks, supposed reports that
they are accelerating it and it could be having a reactor in a much shorter
period of time than originally been thought.

But this is a different issue. The difference between weaponizing and power generation. How far can we go denying nuclear power research? Who will back us up, besides Israel? Russia and China, with proof of no weapons research have less pressure to be hard on a trading ally.

I'd like to see him consider and talk on that, but I am worried it is outside of his realm understanding at this point.

But at least he says:
But I think probably so because there is going to be a real anxiety for us to
take any type of action without there being some very credible and almost
irrefutable intelligence to validate our decision.

But would the lack of intel keep him from following his gut? I wonder.

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