Friday, December 14, 2007

O'Reilly and the foisting of religion on America by the Left

O'Reilly...ugh...again, shows how confused he really is.

Crooks and Liars:

Billo brings on former White House Spokesman Tony Snow to agree with him that the left and their media are completely out of touch with America. Actually, I just described EVERY O’Reilly Factor show, didn’t I? However, in yesterday’s edition of “When did I wake up on this side of the looking glass?” O’Reilly claims that it is the left wants the election to be all about Jesus so they don’t have to deal with the areas in which they’re weak...


Um, yeah. That’s why the Republican candidate Mitt Romney had to talk about faith equaling freedom–because the left wanted him to. And that’s why Huckabee’s website has a banner that says “Faith.Family.Freedom” in that order–because the left wanted him to. And why the right came to McCain’s defense when he called the U.S. a “Christian nation”–because the left wanted him to.


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