Saturday, December 15, 2007 it almost election time?

How are those voting machines? I mean, we have been talking about this for nearly eight years. They must have gotten around to fixing it by now. They must be done and ready for the next election.



All five voting systems used in Ohio, a state whose electoral votes narrowly swung two elections toward President Bush, have critical flaws that could undermine the integrity of the 2008 general election, a report commissioned by the state's top elections official has found.

"It was worse than I anticipated," the official, Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, said of the report. "I had hoped that perhaps one system would test superior to the others."

At polling stations, teams working on the study were able to pick locks to access memory cards and use hand-held devices to plug false vote counts into machines. At boards of election, they were able to introduce malignant software into servers.

Ms. Brunner proposed replacing all of the state's voting machines, including the touch-screen ones used in more than 50 of Ohio's 88 counties.
The Secretary of State's office is seeking legislation and funding to ensure new machines, which will include paper trails, are in place for November 2008.

Ah...Hurry up!

Same to the other states that haven't finished readying for the looming primaries and November.

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