Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Stein and Beck together, can reality maintain cohesion?

I was just going to link to PZ Myers and let him take the blame for letting you see this, but I will put it here. Ben Stein on Glenn Beck's silly little show. The discussion, Stein's new movie, of course. Expelled, and like Beck's show, No Intelligence Allowed.

Myers has more.

Stein repeats his ignorant caricature of the origin of life as "lightning striking a mud puddle," and then…oh, man, this was unbelievable:

If they're so sure that they're right, what are they afraid of? If they're so sure that their position is unassailable, let the other guy talk and then blow him out of the water and say, "You fool, you didn't know this, this and this."
Gosh. That sounds exactly like Pharyngula.

This is exactly what we all do over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. And now Stein has the gall to pretend we never engage the creationist claims?
And that is the trouble with a debate like this. Sharp minds like Myers, Dawkins, etc., do go and challenge and dismantle this creationist prattle. But they ignore this and go on repeating their disproved points. And if you just don't bother to repeat yourself for the umpteenth time, they say you are stumped or afraid.

The trouble with debating the likes of Stein is that you are facing the science illiterate, but the religiously zealous. So the debate goes nowhere.

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