Tuesday, December 11, 2007

That's disturbing...

From Feministing: (You can see the underpants in question on there site.)

Who needs credit cards..

Reader Scarlett saw these oh-so-charming panties in the junior department of her local Wal-Mart on Kildare Farms Road in Cary, NC. There's nothing quite like telling adolescent girls that they don't need to worry about finances since they have their very own moneypot between their legs.

Contact customer service here and corporate offices here: let them know that preteen vaginas aren't commodities.
Is there a good way to read this? An innocent one? Who would produce this? And who would sell them? Is this supposed to be worn with wee teeny tiny t-shirt with the bedazzled word Slut? What part of the sense of humor is this stuff tickling?

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