Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Al Franken starts uping the ante in Minnesota

Al Franken, looking to win the Democratic nomination for Senate in Minnesota, and then unseat Norm Coleman, has his first ads coming out in Minnesota now.

Crooks and Liars:


Duluth Journal:
Al Franken for Senate announced today that two television ads will begin running on all four major broadcast networks, as well as on cable. The first ads can be seen Tuesday morning, January 15, in the Minneapolis-St. Paul and Duluth markets.[..]

“We’re excited to begin this conversation with Minnesota voters,” Communications Director Andy Barr said. “This campaign is about Minnesotans who need a voice in Washington - a voice that will stand up to the special interests and stand up for them on the issues that matter. Throughout this year, Al will be spending a lot of time listening to and highlighting those concerns. To change this country, we need to change a political culture in which people feel like they don’t matter. In the Senate, Al will use his voice to make sure that they do. And that starts with this campaign.

“That said, as we begin this year, we think it’s important that people know who Al is and why he’s running, and we’re thrilled that Mrs. Molin was able to help us do so in memorable fashion.”
It’s hard for me to believe that the same people who elected Paul Wellstone could possibly still be supporting Norm Coleman, but according to TPM, Al has jumped from a 22 point deficit in February of last year to a statistical tie by November. Go Al!

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