Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bloggers for Choice

There are a number of great posts for the Annual Bloggers for Choice. It is Blog for Choice Day 2008

Blog for Choice Day

For me, with the election year ramping up, I wanted to talk to you about just why it is important to use your vote, and use it wisely. If you believe in Choice, your vote is paramount.

Why politics matter.

It is an obvious thing, but one that strangely gets forgotten in the heat of campaign watching and getting into the horse race. How many times for you heard it? I might just vote for McCain in that case. Or, I might not vote. Or, I will vote Green [etc.]. Have you heard this or read it online? I have.

Now among liberals there are a plethora of opinions and views. But we agree, in large, that women must have the right to make reproductive choices. None of us are wished to sustain senseless wars around the world. We want to be secure, but also free. We work to sustain the environment. We share some important positions.

We agree on so much that is so critical. But then I heard a liberal radio commentator note how they would like McCain and Obama to run together. Or people online declare that if one candidate (Obama, Edwards, Kucinich) does not win, they are out.

How soon do we forget? THE GLOBAL GAG RULE? A MORE and MORE CONSERVATIVE SUPREME COURT? Pushing some extremely conservative judges into positions across the country? Installing some of the worst people into admin and high level government posts where they have spouted lies about sex ed, reproductive issues and other issues, and silenced research and aid to those in need in this country and around the world?

  • Gore ran and people went to Nader or stayed home, and we got years of Bush. And we all suffered.
  • Kerry ran and people went to Nader or stayed home, and we got more. And we all continued to suffer.
  • The hubris of saying any one of the Democrats is worse then sitting the next election out, going to McCain is...See the Bush Years.
All the front runners for the Republicans are planning to attack Roe vs Wade, Romney, Huckabee, and, yes, even John McCain. Eight years has begun a precarious move to the right on the Court, and done huge damage of sex ed and reproductive rights in this nation of ours.

Can any of honestly be that blase about 4 more years?

So I hope we all think about Choice, not just today, but all the way to November.

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