Monday, January 14, 2008

Newest Weekly Feminist Reader


I'm a day late with your link roundup this week... but I've got lots of good stuff to make up for the delay:

Isabel Allende talks about her writing and feminism. (video)

A woman is suing the Chinese government over her forced abortion.

On Lorrie Moore's idiotic op-ed.

VenusZine reviews the new anthology, Choice.

Canada will no longer allow sexually active gay men to be organ donors.

France celebrates the centennial of Simone de Beauvoir's birth... but not without controversy, of course.

How girls' view of their bodies is supposedly related to how popular they believe they are. (A super scientific study featuring self-reported data!)

A new Guttmacher study shows that women's concern for their existing children is one of the biggest factors in their decision to have an abortion.

Female employees of the University of Michigan health system sue under the Equal Pay Act.

Revolting Product of the Week: SlumpBuster.

Is this for real? "Yo" as a gender-neutral pronoun?

South Korea threatens to shut down its Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.

Are Taser parties really all that common? I smell a fake trend...

Anti-choicers and the "moral ambiguity" of attacks on women's health clinics.

An Australian website is promoting Brazilian waxes for girls as young as 10. Ugh.

Tennessee moves toward passing a bunch of abortion restrictions.

And Rebecca Walker offers her take on last week's Steinem op-ed.

The Pentagon won't investigate the KBR rape case. See Feministe for an action item for Jamie Leigh Jones.

Canada is now putting female soldiers on security detail in Afghanistan.

Paradigm Shift (NYC feminist community) is sponsoring an open mic on January 25 on the subject of feminist entrepreneurship. Click here for more details.


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