Friday, February 08, 2008

Blame it on the vagina

Feministing has a couple of good examples of trying to lay blame on women...for being women, and having girlies parts.

Women to blame for violence against them?

I'm speechless. To end violence against women we need to make society less male- hostile? WHAT?! Another psychologist, Sidney McGill, goes on to explain that men don't know how to deal with their emotions, so of course they're going to channel all that anger toward the women in their lives. He then makes this most appalling of logical leaps


Women have an advantage when their male loved ones plot to kill them? The mind reels. And after faulting women for getting too uppity and making poor men feel inferior, he goes on to say they're too nurturing and home-based.

Anti-feminists hate vaginas


Poor Cupid, tethered to the unreasonable feminist demand that women not be raped.

It's that time of year again, folks! Since it's almost Valentine's Day, colleges across the country are gearing up to put on performances of The Vagina Monologues. And as they love to do (since they have shit else to complain about), anti-feminist organizations like the Independent Women's Forum (IWF) and the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute are likewise launching their annual campaigns against the award-winning play. (The above image is from IWF's Take Back the Date flyer.)


The organization has even put together a booklet encouraging students to protest the "vulgar" play, "The Vagina Monologues Exposed: A Student's Guide to V-Day."

What's particularly irritating to me - despite the tired notion that feminists are somehow killing romance by raising awareness about violence against women - is that these organizations refuse to talk about the incredible things this play has done for women across the globe. The Luce Policy Institute website even says that "V-Day has no real impact on the violence." I guess raising over 30 million dollars is no biggie for women, huh?

It's amazing that these groups would rather spend their time and money denigrating a play because it has the word "vagina" in it than actually, you know, do something on behalf of women.

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