Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Academic Freedom

Academic Freedom is a new code word for conservatives to push bad science and just basic bad education on curriculum and students. It popped up in one conservative state, only to fail, but it is popping up more and more now.

You need to be aware and active in talking to state legislatures.

Yesterday, the Minnesota legislature introduced H.F. No. 3922, another of those "Academic Freedom" bills that are actually attempts to infringe on academic freedom. It's full of high-minded language, but 1) they have not demonstrated that there is a problem, 2) they simply restate principles academics already hold, but 3) they turn those principles into opportunities for meddling legislators to police our campuses. It's sponsored by Olson (R, 16B), Heidgerken (R, 13A), Drazkowksi (R, 28B), Erickson (R, 16A), and Emmer (R, 19B). I think you can see the common link in their party affiliation; these are conservatives who want a way to sneak their crude and stupid views into our universities. If they're your representatives, blast them with email. If they're not your representatives, write to the ones who are and tell them that this bill must die.
Florida also has an "academic freedom" bill in the works, and they're using Ben Stein's sillly movie to promote it … and if you want to find legislators with cobwebs in their cranium, Florida is the place to go.


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