Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Growl and Ignore

Last week, McCain didn't care for a question from a reporter about the idea he almost turned on the Republican Party.

McCain flips out on the Times Elisabeth Bumiller over whether he discussed the vice presidency with John Kerry in 2004.

Now maybe ask about those 2001 discussions about leaving the Republican party?

John McCain's famed temper, the one that makes several of his GOP Senate colleagues question his readiness to be president (apparently they disagree with Hillary), was on full display today...


So we have a reminder of the McCain temper, that has actually worried colleagues and gotten actual comments about how some didn't think he should be president.

But this is what he does. He gets asked about decisions and actions in '04 and he doesn't want to talk about it. And before that when he got a question about how we got in Iraq, he declared it was the past, and would not broach any question on it.

Luckily the media, overall won't push him on questions that might make him uncomfortable, so he rarely has to be his normal self. Nice of the media to be so kind.

Crooks and Liars has an interesting story on the media and the McCain bubble.

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