Tuesday, March 18, 2008

If it were me...

I love all the "If it were me" going on now.

Last week, if it were me, and my husband the governor cheated...

Now, if it were me, and my reverend spoke like Obama's...

How nice. Everyone loves to put themselves in others shoes to make pronouncements about other's lives.

On the first, I liked hearing from the former wife of the former governor of New Jersey. You know the one who's husband came out and admitted to an affair with an advisor and left office.

Now that is someone who can speak on being cheated on by a public figure. And discussed it on NPR last week, talking about her feelings and thinking at the time, and the impact of her choices on her children.

Yet many were eager to shout passed people like this women, and declare what was and wasn't right. I see Dr. Phil has a show this week where he and his wife tell it like it is. YEESCH! When Dr. Phil is on to the story, you know it has been tread to death.

The same with Obama, dealing with a long time family friend and mentor. So many are eager to declare what they would do that type of person in their lives if...well what exactly, the caricature of the YouTube clips? He is clearly a flawed guy, but we all have people in our lives with stupid opinions and ideas.

Especially, as skeptics, we will be talking to someone and suddenly they will talk of reflexology or 9/11 conspiracies, or fung shue. If it is a stranger or coworker, we just don't hang with them, if it is pernicious.

But a family member or a close family friend?

If it were me...

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