Sunday, March 16, 2008

McCain thinking = Republican thinking

Just in case you'd forgotten about John McCain, you should know that he's out there campaigning, and he's actually saying stuff like this...

Republican presidential candidate John McCain said on Friday he fears that al Qaeda or another extremist group might attempt spectacular attacks in Iraq to try to tilt the U.S. election against him.

McCain, at a town hall meeting in this Philadelphia suburb, was asked if he had concerns that anti-American militants in Iraq might ratchet up their activities in Iraq to try to increase casualties in September or October and tip the November election against him.

"Yes, I worry about it," McCain said.

You know, I keep hearing from Republican pundits and operatives that the specter of terrorism inevitably bolsters the electoral prospects of Republicans. But here McCain says that Al Qaeda would amp up their attacks in Iraq to hurt him.

Hard to keep track of this stuff sometimes.

It's also worth noting that McCain's basically saying here that he "worries" that Al Qaeda will attack in order to help a Democrat become the next president.

Nice to see Rove is already at work. As this is pretty much the line of thinking in the last election.

Better for McCain, it is an out. If the Surge does give long term improvement, he was right and glorious. If it fails, it was because the "terrorist" want Democrats in the White House. So he is right and glorious.

Heads I win, tail you lose.

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