Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Nastiness among Republicans

There was King in Iowa, and his off his meds tirade over Obama, which he has expanded on now...


Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has elaborated on his comments last week that al-Qaida would be "dancing in the streets" if Barack Obama wins, saying that Obama would "certainly be viewed as a savior for them. That's why you will see them supporting him, encouraging him."

Asked yesterday about King's comments, Obama responded that "Mr. King and individuals like him thrive on offensive or controversial statements as a way to get in the papers, so I don't take it too seriously. I would hope Senator McCain would want to distance himself from that kind of inflammatory and offensive remarks."

A spokesman for the McCain campaign disavowed King's remarks, but McCain himself has yet to reject King's support or otherwise weigh in on the subject.
Now we also have Kern in Oklahoma, with a conspiratorial off her meds tirade over The Gays.
PZ Myers:
Here's more pernicious ignorance that we have to deal with: this is Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern, benighted hate-monger, babbling lies.


Well, there is one part that is accurate, when she states that "We're not teaching facts and knowledge any more, we're teaching indoctrination", which is exactly right … at least in reference to her remarks.

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