Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Skeptologists

Finally, some good TV is coming. Not just, new Doctor Who, but also...

A series produced in part by the fellow who bring us Skeptoid. The Skeptologists.

A team of skeptics go and look into dispelling the blight of pseudoscience and paranormal woo.

In the cast of thinkers:

Including Phil Plaitt, astronomer and the great Bad Astronomer.


Michael Shermer (top banana at The Skeptic Society),

Yau-Man Chan (Chief Technology Officer at UC Berkeley’s College of Chemistry and contestant on "Survivor: Fiji"),

Kirsten Sanford (neurophysiologist and host of This Week in Science),

Mark Edward (mentalist), and

Steven Novella (medical doctor, host of The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe, and professional Rebecca-reigner-inner).


Top notch astronomer, one of the world's leading skeptics, and Dr. Novella, who also bring us Neurologica and Science-Based Medicine. And from what Novella has said in the SGU podcasts, the whole cast is great, fun, engaging, and eager to mesh and work together. And from what I saw on Survivor, Yau-Man Chan is pretty darn cool. Plus they have a mentalist, along with the learned Dr. Shermer, so between them they should be able to cut through a whole lot of wooey.

This should be great!

The pilot is done filing, so we will have to see where it goes from here.

And to note the show now has a facebook page.

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