Monday, May 05, 2008

No more war for oil, so says McCain.

We have to take him at his word right? His is Mr. Straight Talk, saying the hard things no matter the consequences.

Crooks and Liars:


“My friends, I will have an energy policy which will eliminate our dependence on oil from Middle East that will then prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the Middle East.”
Think about how amazing this is. McCain is essentially saying that our quest to “spread democracy” throughout the Middle East is a sham. It has nothing to do with freeing oppressed people, or protecting Israel, or defending ourselves against future attacks. It’s about gaining control of foreign oil. Stunning. Will this get any significant media play?

A lot of the fun of this is seeing McCain stumble over this now. His campaign has yet to give a clear and consistent answer.

But the media will find something about Obama to be more interesting before long, no doubt. They do hate picking on McCain.

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