Monday, May 12, 2008

Tax Exempt, no more?

Crooks and Liars:

A far-right group in Arizona, however, has an idea: conservative churches should ignore the law — and in the process, test the law — on purpose.

A conservative legal-advocacy group is enlisting ministers to use their pulpits to preach about election candidates this September, defying a tax law that bars churches from engaging in politics.

Alliance Defense Fund, a Scottsdale, Ariz., nonprofit, is hoping at least one sermon will prompt the Internal Revenue Service to investigate, sparking a court battle that could get the tax provision declared unconstitutional.

Now maybe it is worth it to have them try. I am more than happy to see a question of the whole tax exemption laws. Plenty of churches are highly profitable, and there are moves on all sides to use pulpits to push ideas and candidates. Perhaps it is time to concede church involvement and admit what party strategist have known and acted on for years. Churches are good for selling politics.

Unconstitutional? Why should chruches get an exemption today? Justify it ADF.

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