Saturday, July 12, 2008

Faith-based Initiatives

PZ Myers has already touched on this matter.

But Faith-Based Initiatives...Um, why?

For that matter why, Sen. Obama? This is on my list of things that have displeased with Obama in his run. Others could be touched on later.

But, why? Religious charities need to have funds funneled to them like wild bears need you to go out find them and hand feed them. You shouldn't be seeking them to feed them, and they don't need you to. They have their resource, parishioners that are weekly pressured.

So why give to them? And why give to organizations who often operate under rules that would be deemed illegal if enacted by a government agency. Sexism, bigotry, and intolerance are fine in your Main Street religions, but to be funded by the government? Oh, no.

If we want to augment and assist existing charities, fine. Let us find the ones that exist and help all, fairly, and unquestioningly. If they have limited range of service, we could help them expand, to offer fair and unbiased aid coast to coast.

But why these Faith-Based Initiatives? The votes. Belief in them. And through these and other ideas, one can be blind to these orgs flaws and foibles.

We can do better. Yes we can.

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