Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Polls and Credit

Reaction to McCain's plan is not so rosey.

SurveyUSA has just completed a snap poll on response to John McCain's request to cancel or postpone the presidential debate.

Several questions. But two key ones.

What to do about debates?

Hold as Scheduled 50%
Hold with Econ Focus 36%
Postpone 10%

Suspend Campaigns?

Suspend 14%
Continue 31%
Refocus on Fin. Crisis 48%

Would canceling the debates be good for America? 14% say

Even FOX News results are not supportive.

And as was noted by insiders, via TPM:
A plugged in reader who's a Democratic lobbyist writes in with a good point:
The deal on the "bail out" is 98% done. Treasury has capitulated on almost every point. A draft is circulating on the Hill now. No one needs McCain to help do the remaining 2%....except the White House who has no standing on this matter on the Hill with either Democrats or Republicans.
So he may try and swoop in at the end and grab credit. And then avoid questions about how he helped get this trouble started. Stay classy.

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