Thursday, October 08, 2009

Olbermann Special Comment

Last night Keith Olbermann had one heck of a one hour special comment on the health care fight.

It must be seen.

It is available in parts on

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Or you can get the show from sources like iTunes to watch and share.

The stories shared and the trouble we are having as a nation are damning. To do so poorly for so long for so many Americans is unforgivable. We just sit back and let this suffering and death continue? Hell no.

It is horrible to hear about people that can't go and get medical tests for hear of losing insurance due to what may be found. To hear about illness wiping out so many families savings...all of this makes it clear that these democrats that just block this work now need shaming and political fear put in them. I hope, as is rumored, that their is a chance that those that help a filibuster are going to face a loss of seniority and power. Good. Let them consider that they may actually face a downside to backing insurance companies over the ill. And the media has to be drug to free clinics across this country to damn well cover the desperate straights of those in need of medical aid.

There are too many stories and we should all be aware of them. The people who are driven to poverty, the people denied insurance, the people directed away from the treatments they need, all need to be known.

As AMERICAblog has noted the difference between costs in the US and elsewhere are just stunning.

My $2,000 eye surgery in France would have been $20,000 here

And we need better than no reform, shitty reform that helps no one, or delays. We have been arguing about this for nearly a century. Time to act.

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