Sunday, October 06, 2013

The Horror Of...Scheduling October

Well, suddenly it's nearly a week later.

I wanted to get this out sooner, but I wanted to test the waters in my writing up posts and also mull over the issues that could arise.

Thinking on it, I have decided, for the month, to focus on the Halloween theme. I had wanted to do the normal horror review, as well as ones dealing with shows that used to be shown on Halloween. But, as it is, I am already reviewing Sleepy Hollow. And that already stresses and freaks me out. So adding two more reviews each week has got me panicky (It's a reason I had hoped to have started this last month. To get into the pattern and build up internal confidence.).

Instead I want to focus on Halloween this month. So, the plan is to post reviews of shows/movies that used to get shown at Halloween, back in the day. Seeing as I am starting off slow this week, their is one that will be posted tonight. I won't spoil what it is, so you can be disappointed tonight. The rest will be posted on Thursdays, so the last one will coincide with Halloween itself. (It's as if I am trying to work from some plan.)

As well, I will do the first of the normal horror reviews on Tuesday. This is the day of the week that I planned to place the regular release date for reviews, but we will see if that is ideal for staggering out reviews for a week in future months. That will be the one review on Tuesdays this month. So be ready, be wary, be free to face the terror of...The Bat.

And, in case you are interested in checking out this movie before then. Here's a quote from the review:
Being public domain, it is one of those movies that gets picked up for use in Horror Host shows, so it is easily available these days. It's in the Shilling Shocker DVD releases. It's in many big cheap bundles of old horror movies. It's also easy to find online on YouTube (this is just one of the copies on there.). And, of course, you can find it at the Internet Archive, under movies (you can even download it). (This is a great site to have a link to, it gives access to public domain movies, audio, and research papers. And for the Horror of..., it is a way to find so many public domain horror films. Link it!)
I am tempted to try an toss out some additional reviews Halloween week. Maybe look at some of those Must See films for people. But, I want to see how I am feeling about output a week from now. Maybe I'll do some looks at movies "In Short", so I can later go more in depth with them in a full review.


Also, I was tempted to update the list of horror subsets. I was thinking of adding Paranormal Reality Shows. But may generally opinion there is based on my skepticism, so critical. I do want to write some of them up, but more in criticism. The Horror Of... section is really about enjoying things.

Still, there are a few that are amusing or entertaining. Maybe I'll add those, or just keep them with the bad show critiques. To show how those things can be done right.

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