Saturday, October 04, 2014

Remember the Treehouse of Horror 4 title sequence?

Coming out of the last post, we head on into 1993.

And the Treehouse of Horror evolves more.

Starting this year, they've abandoned the whole opening warning, and get right into the titles.


We head back again, to Springfield Cemetery.


And back to the tombstones, with a joke you may remember from earlier tombstones.

But this time the joke feels more refined, and pointed at the idea of a conspiracy to hide the fact he's still alive. It's a better joke.


Hey. Remember when battles over the federal budget was a thing! Crazy? Am I right?


Boom. They take the joke up a notch.


It's a nice piece of irony. Killing violence off. And TV violence was a continuing thing complained about at the time. And then everyone stopped complaining...


And we cut over, passed the bullet hole ridden/bloodied tombstone to the house.


And following on last years couch gag, they try it out again, this time with zombie Simpsons rising out of the floor, and watching some TV.


And then the show proper opens.

This time they are using Rod Sterling's Night Gallery as a framing device.


They seem to have put a bit more effort in the tombstone jokes this time around. (Or, 1993 offered extra inspiration.) But it's such a small part of the show, I wonder if they hate having to deal with them (And people like me commenting on them.)? I think they have about finished with the motif.

But it's the best opening yet (Out of four, so far.).

This episode gave us the tales...



Which ends with...

Now on to Year V.

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