Saturday, October 18, 2014

Trailers In Short - Adventurous Fun Edition

Adventure! Who doesn't want it? Okay, not everyone. But we all do, right? So let's quest for a feast. Let's best a good book. And let's see if anyone can hit the right note.

Feast. Librarians. Galavant.

Disney's Feast

Okay this is just too cute. I wonder what the whole short will be? But if it's just a stray that finds a home and has a love affair with food...It'll still be cute.

Why can't I hug animation?!

The Librarians

So, finally, after 10 years we are getting a series.

It started in 2004.

Then there was a chase for the King Solomon's Mines.

And finally a vampire tale.

Then it was gone. It took them long enough to get back to this adventure tale concept. And it is interesting that they've set up a team dynamic. Plus we now have John Larroquette instead of Bob Newhart. It will be interesting to see how the actual show feels.

Also Noah Wyle, our Librarian, is looking very Doctor Whoish. It will be interesting to see if they'll show that he's very settled into the role of protector and scholar.

The show has some cast members I recognize from various ensemble shows, like Leverage. It will be fun to see what the show does with them. As well the show seems to be one that wants to have fun. Always up for a fun adventure show.


Yes. I have covered this before. But it will be on ABC during Once Upon A Time's winter break, come January. So let's remind ourselves that this is coming soon.

And how can I not want to bring up a comedic Fairy Tale Musical series? How?!!!

Plus, we have an extended ad out now.



I guess I mixed up the two Librarian movies. I partially blame bad naming on the videos which confused me and made me second guess myself. So now we don't have to Librarian 2 trailers.

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