Sunday, October 04, 2015

Creeping Up On Halloween With Terror Obscura and Fear Fan

Halloween needs it's horror movies. Some are good and some are bad. So it's nice to learn a bit about some of the films we can sit back and watch and dread.

We are fortunate to have a number of horror film reviewers online who actually know what they are talking about. They have their own taste and style. One you should take a look at is Fear Fan's Terror Obscura..

A fan of the horror genre, Fear Fan is eager to enjoy a good experience. Thankfully there are many horror films, new and old, that he was been able to discuss. The range of quality in these films creates a lot to talk about with viewers.

He has been putting out his brand of reviews for a little while now. He brings a bit of humor and thought to films you may not yet have seen. Perhaps he can point you to a movie that might make your Halloween.

You can catch his video reviews via these sites.

With the upheaval, the YouTube channel will give you the best selection for now.

Here's Fear Fan's most recent review for you to enjoy.

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