Thursday, November 09, 2006

Don't worry, it's the good type of lying.

The President is pretty blasé about his bouts of dissembling. He isn't to concerned about his occasional fable. He is in no way vexed by his own fibbing. He doesn't mind LYING to your face. Not to put to fine a point on it.

Our President George Walker Bush:
"I didn't want to inject a major decision about this war in the final days of a campaign..."
- Or the truth of his actions. why discuss your set plans, not exactly a state secret. But thanks your party thinks you cost them the Senate by that sage strategy (or is it a tactic?).
"And so the only way to answer that question and to get you onto another question was to give you that answer."
- Or, I lied so I wouldn't have to tell you the truth. And besides, you were preventing me from lying about a whole parcel of other things.

He sure seemed pretty casual about the whole issue, as shown on Crooks and Liars.

And, again, this choice was costly to Republicans, who had to hold the line for the president, and suffer for it. Made grand statements of praise, knowing many candidates would have to nod along, and knowing he was telling a lie that would soon be seen through.

Add to this his casualness about talking about his comments about Democrats ushering terrorist victories, leading to death in America, etc. Just politics and campaigning. No biggie. All is forgiven, right?

And of course this disinterested admittance to reality continues through other sources, such as Rush Limbaugh. He is tired of "carrying water" for the Republicans. Poor man he is liberated now, free even. Yeah, forced to do these vile things. COME ON! You knew it was all a lie and you joined in. Free will. Ever hear of it Rush? You picked the side you liked, with the money and perks you wanted. You got the perks, and now you claim buyer's remorse? Please. Thanks for helping the Democrats win MO Rush. Keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll put Hillary Clinton in the White House.

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