Thursday, November 09, 2006

Post-Election Recovery

Well, it has taken me a while to adjust to the outcome of election night...and it was mostly in favor of the things I was supporting.

The House and Senate, the whole of the legislative branch of the Federal government (Civics’ students please take notes) has gone from the control of 1 party (also dominating the other 2 branches), to another party (the Democrats). Good. It should mean oversight, an end to blank checks for the executive, and end to just signing off on ill conceived ideas spitballed from the White House.

But part of me is saddened to see victory through an influx of many conservative (many rather conservatives). I am, of course, talking about social conservatism.

The fight for progressive values and positions was put off, in deference to focus on victory through default. Sure they talked about a horrible war and corruption, but it was about how bad tings were due to Republican greed. Few were willing stand on the idea of being progressive, obviously not even talking of the outright conservatives. At Pharyngula PZ Meyer bemoaned the state of things.

But, in the end, Democrats are supposed to be a big tent party. Many differing positions, which we can debate and argue over, hoping to find an answer to meet everyone’s needs, or win the others over (obviously, this is the preferred event). And as things are, things looks good. Howard Dean's 50 State Plan deserves accolades, as was given at Crooks and Liars. No more of this focus on NY, NJ, MA, CA, MN, and handful of other races. The whole country needs to be fought for, and Dean has ended the presumptive scenarios.

And as well, the South Dakota abortion ban was blocked. In Arizona, the people stood up for civil unions (I could go on for a stretch at how poorly and widely written these laws are. It is the War on Common Law Marriages.). Stem Cell research support passed. And, as well, the fiery topics helped democrats, or, at least, didn’t convince people to vote republicans. That was a blow to the Karl Rove strategy. At Pharyngula, they link to a Science article, about the hit to (ID) Intelligent Design support.

At AMERICAblog, John considers what [Tuesday]'s victory meant. In Colorado a person who openly supports gay rights came close to unseating a very conservative incumbent, the evangelical heartland HQ. And while conservatives came in for the democrats, they have in all along. Harry Reid of NV is a conservative member and leader, and about to become our Senate Majority Leader. And Pelosi of CA, a liberal member of the party is about to become the Speaker of the House, 3rd in line for the presidency Hmm, this is now the closest a woman has come to that seat of power. That will be a milestone next year at the State of the Union.).

And again. OVERSIGHT. Finally!!!

As well, legislative scheduling is back in responsible hands, decision on who goes to the president to be in the judiciary, to ambassadorships, and to the cabinet.

If it doesn't make me confidently smile yet. At long last...I can take a breath.

And it reminds me why this Washington Post front page is warming.

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