Saturday, December 15, 2007

Paging the Democrat backbone. Paging the...

Crooks and Liars looks at all the places that may surprise some where DNC has support and interest. The members of the military are eagerly donating to the like of Barrack Obama and Ron Paul, among the harshest opponents to continued war. And also, the clergy. Looks like around 56% are going Democrat. So they aren't all, or in a clear majority, blindly following Republicans around. And the amounts going to Obama puts Romney and Huckabee's fundraising to shame.

So...the public doesn't like this war. It doesn't like the president's policy. The military's members are looking to people who can give them something new, not just more of the same (WAR!). And the clergy and the religious are not being monopolized by the conservatives.

So...people want change...


I mean, I have been willing to give slack. Politics is a game of sorts. But a year on now and all I see are meager victories and retreat. Will they stand on FISA? No. Will they stand on nominees, a little, but not too far. On the war? And on the budget, they are putting up a little fight. But no one believes they won't be the one blinking.

Time and again. They all seem hunched, racing around keeping their heads covered, and their attache cases are covering their asses. Support for Congress is low now. But this comes from the image of a Congress that is gutless and ineffectual. When will we see the taking task portion of the promise list from the last election campaign? They yell, hold press conferences, and then concede to the president. They do know that they are an equal member of government to the president and Supreme Court?

Olbermann and Markos Moulitsas, of Daily Kos, about Congress.
Markos, like the rest of us, was at a loss as to why the Democratic majority seems to be so afraid to stand up to the minority party and their president. He also says that the Democrats shouldn’t fold like a cheap card table every time the Republicans threaten a filibuster — when what they really should be doing is MAKING them actually filibuster so that America can see exactly who is blocking progress in Washington.
Damn right.

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