Saturday, December 15, 2007

They say that ID is not a religious thing...

Granted an occasional foot soldier slips...and Ben Stein's big new movie seems to constantly cry out that it is about the bible...But that will be it. Won't it?

Then there's Bill...Dembski one of the main and most noted proponents of ID. PZ Myer looks at an interview he recently gave. What is ID's core to Dembski:
I believe God created the world for a purpose. The Designer of intelligent design is, ultimately, the Christian God.

The designer is "Virgin" Mary's Baby's Daddy. Pretty clear. Further:

The focus of my writings is not to try to understand the Christian doctrine of creation; it's to try to develop intelligent design as a scientific program.

There's a big question within the intelligent design community: "How did the design get in there?" We're very early in this game in terms of understanding the history of how the design got implemented. I think a lot of this is because evolutionary theory has so misled us that we have to rethink things from the ground up. That's where we are. There are lots and lots of questions that are now open to re-examination in light of this new paradigm.

Early in the process? Dembski has been at this for years and is still no where. And evolution has mislead? How? Oh, right. It contradicts the bible...not that that is our sole basis for questioning the SCIENCE and RESEARCH of OVER A CENTRURY behind evolution. He has been on his lawn speculating on what the clouds in the sky look like to him. DO some actual work and then come back and have something to say. Quit regurgitating the same pablum and bull that is so thoroughly discredited.

Further, from Dembski:
It's going to change the national conversation. I don't see how you can read this book, if you've not been indoctrinated with Darwin's theory, and go back to the evolutionary fold. The case against this materialistic, undirected evolution is overwhelming. This really goes to the worldview issues that are underlying this whole discussion: Are we the result of a blind, purposeless, material process, and is our intelligence then just this evolutionary byproduct of our need to survive and reproduce? Or are intelligence and purpose fundamental to our existence? Were we planned? Or are we an accidental happening? That's really what is underlying this whole debate, and what this book, I think, addresses very effectively.

Intelligent design goes a long way in this culture, which is so infused with materialistic and atheistic ideology.

Has this guy got a job on the Romney or Huckabee campaign yet?

Being taught about science, research, and theories in science is indoctrination? I always thought that was a part of basic education. Sad, this scientist thinks it is an evil plot...explains his lack of real work.

And again, the case against "materialistic, undirected evolution is overwhelming"...Really? You got some good work done since the last time ID was foisted in a court? You have a paper ready for peer review? No? Am I surprised? No. Just another book...with the quality of scientific content of a Medved, O'Reilly, Beck, or Coulter book, hmm?

Here is PZ Myers preliminary review of it.

I've got the book he's talking about, and I'm partway through it. It ain't convincing. It's the same old bluster that Wells and Dembski have been pounding their fists over for the last decade; there's absolutely nothing new in it, just more rehashed chest-thumping from failed religious revolutionaries; I predict it will die a rapid death, simply because the IDers haven't been able to come up with anything we haven't already heard multiple times, and that has failed every time to convince anyone in the biology community with a scrap of sense.

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