Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Got Milk? [SHUDDER]...I need a shower...

Two Percent Company:

Normally, when Jesus & Mo directs us to a month-old New York Times article outlining one of the thousands of fatwas to come out of a Muslim government, this one declaring it proper for a man and woman to work together without requiring her to cover up in the traditional Muslim fashion provided that she has breast-fed the man five times, thus establishing a family bond between the two under Islamic law, we'd be forced to make a few comments about how terribly backwards religion is, how obtuse its die-hard adherents tend to be, and how the twisted and tortured logic involved seems utterly insane, all the while making rude jokes about sucking your co-worker's tits around the water cooler while discussing Thursday night's sitcom line-up or just squeezing her nips into your morning Java as you spread hummus on your halal bagel, and then we'd sum up by casting aspersions regarding the ulterior motives the (male) Islamic leaders may have toward their secretaries.

Oh. Neat. Our work here is done.

Brought to you by the fine people of What Passes For Feminism In The Fanatical Muslim World (WPFFITFMW).

Yeah. Cause if you only drank the breast milk of a coworker 2 or 4 times, it might be...weird.

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