Thursday, January 03, 2008


I keep getting told by the media that John McCain, was a war hero, imprisoned, and then came home and continues to serve with distinction. An honest a forward fellow. I believe one paper backing him said that...Really?

I want to bring this up as more than a few times I have heard the same tripe. How McCain is a moderate, and not so bad, How a democrat, like Obama, should run with him, as his Veep, as independents. And so on.

The guy that a month ago when all seemed lost he was wandering around muttering anything to get on TV or get a crowd? Him? Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran...ANYONE?

The McCain you turned on the Religious Right when he was a front runner and denounced them, then went to the specific school he dissed and kissed ass...straight shooter?

Guy who took on GW and was smeared by his machine, and then did this...


And the guy who blathers about campaign reform, and lobbyist, who is among the deepest into those pockets and funds.

And yet, there’s McCain, giving powerful corporate lobbyists and their clients high-priced private schmooze sessions at exclusive retreats.

For that matter, let’s also not forget that McCain not only surrounds himself with lobbyist fundraisers; he’s also surrounded himself with more lobbyist staffers than any other candidate — and more than most of the field combined.

Yeah sure. A real straight shooter. Peddle me another one.

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