Thursday, January 03, 2008

Vactions come to an end, political campaigns go on without end.

Ah. It has been a holiday period.

A chance to drive family to airports around the Midwest, to face freezing fog, I didn't even know it existed until I drove through it for 2 hours, fun blowing blinding snow in Owatonna, and more general fog all over.

Just the kind of stuff, along with brisk cold air bringing on bouts, to keep one distracted.

But time has not stopped on my account, the brave have died, war continues, and everyone is looking for the last minute edge in Iowa, except Huckabee who decided to jump the picket lines to get on the returning late night shows (Though I hear Hillary was on Letterman, but he has a deal with writers, and recorded it between stops.). I guess they told him he couldn't be loved more, less,,,well.

But he has thrown out enough red meat for the most rabid conservatives.

On homosexuality and the right to choose.

He's played the nice guy, buy not releasing a negative ad...just giving it to the do, you know, whatever they want. It was principle, not flagging capital, right...

On immigration.

OK, so Huck is flopping around on immigration because the hard core wingnut base of the GOP doesn’t like his stance on giving kids that were born in the country some protections because they are US citizens. And he said that if all illegal immigrants were deported. the American economy would collapse.


What a nice position to have. Fooled ya! After that debate he came out with a new plan that calls for sending all illegal immigrants home—including their children that in his words—would “collapse” our economy. But if the children are American citizens, how can he do that? Wouldn’t that be terribly destructive to them? Ahhh, compassionate conservatism. Is this how a Christian warrior treats “children?” Timmeh calls him on it pretty good….

And he's shown the kind of ignorance of the world that conservatives just eat up.

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