It is about human evolution.
As visitors enter the AMNH exhibit in New York, they will find three skeletons – a chimpanzee, a Neanderthal and a modern human. At another display, one can learn about genomics concepts which illustrate how close our DNA is to that of other primates such as bonobos and chimpanzees. Through this, the scientists emphasize how humans originated from apes.
Sounds alright. Though it needs to be said that we didn't evolve from apes. Now quit the conniption you fundamentalists. The trouble is saying that is a simple way to make a point of how far life has changed over the millions of years. But their were not a bunch of apes that became us, nor chimps, etc. All us five fingered banana lovers come from a common ancestor. Not that you didn't know that.
To me the thing worth noting came after reading the next article. On the Kenyan fossil fuss previously discussed on this blog.
In both they point to a soon to be opened new service to humanity.
Answers in Genesis, the world’s largest Christian apologetics ministry, is set to open its $27-million new museum designed to defend creation by examining fossils, animals, stars and natural science on Memorial Day weekend.
“The Bible, where it touches on science or any subject including same-sex marriage, race or abortion, is totally trustworthy,” said Ken Ham, co-founder and president of Answers in Genesis, in a statement. “As a revelation of history from the beginning to the end of time, the Bible is the foundation that enables us to construct the big picture and have the right approach in geology, biology, physics and astronomy.”
all with the focus to prove that the Bible can withstand scientific scrutiny.
“Today, science is pointing more powerfully to a creator than any other time,” said award-winning Christian author Lee Strobel, in his documentary “The Case for a Creator.” “The most logical and rational step is to put my faith in the Creator that science tells me exists.”
It is hard to read through that without a few spit takes.
The bible sets up science. It shows us the rational way? The bible is trustworthy in science? It is freaking trustworthy in history?
And here is the problem here. These people have preset answers and solutions. They just want to do and redo the science until it agrees with the TRUTH. And if that fails, the science is at fault, the numbers are wrong. If people suggests the assumptions don't hold up. They are fools, unbelievers, in denial of the TRUTH.
How do you argue with this? How do you debate?
If all they want to do is thumb through the bible/torah/koran, what is the point?
You'll have noticed the name Ken Hamm in the quotes above. He is an old champion of the creationist. An old school campaigner.
Reading these silly arguments they lay out, you might say to yourself, "This is silly. I could refute this five ways to Sunday." Sure. Many of us can. And we have, to the face of Ken Hamm and the rest at that. The trouble is they dismiss, wave hands, and the next day act as if you never met them. It is almost as if it is all just a schtick. That they are in it for the money. But a lot of these people are true believers. Something that helps them move on oblivious to the counter arguments. Oblivious to reason. That is the beauty of faith.
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